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Fbruary 26th, 1930. My

dear Mrs. Fuller: I reg11et very much that your last letter was mislaid,

so that it wasn't answered when it should have been. I have the Statham book; and am takin~ good care of it; and if you will bear with me a few weeks more, I will return it 1n ~ood condition. Allen French 9 the historian~ wrote me recently :for some references for his new book onnthe Revo1ution. I co111dn •t recellect them oft-band; so told him I wa.s sure · you wonld be will!~ to send him a copy of' the ARUNDF.L b1b11o~raphy. That should have added to it the names of the two Drake books on Indians; the N.E.Capt1ves carried to Canada; the b1o~ranhy of' Dan1a1 Morgan; IPobes' Diary;

Meigs '[!).iary;· Thayer's Diary: the History of' the Kennebec

Valley that you got tor me. the History of Norridgewock & eanaan; 'IM«ll•wt• Jtnanp 1 s Lite of Burr. I w t.tld like to see your clippings of reviews cm

.ARTTM'l)F.I,; but I think the manuscrint. is .1ust as well of'! Without them. l like to lead a neaceful. Jtife; and some of' the reviews I hs.ve seen make me mad.


'!he T,IVElN l,ADY has squirmed through twemrt.y-one :,zgnf;

and 1:f' the old b&a.n holds out; she ought to be f~il"1y wel1 rounded out 1n another six weeks. With best wishes and many thanks for your letters I am

Very sincerely vours 9