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DANIEL McMASTERS OF RUMFORD FALLS. N Scotland's early days, they say, the old yerse this way ran "McMasters make the Masters"-and dour was the clan. But other days have come sblce then-tho masters never cease-When mind and heart supplant the sword-the Mastery or Peace. Then come with me to Rumrord }< 'aIl8: up here am.oIlt!.' the hills. Where foaming waters tumble down to turn the Oxford l\fills And meet the man who's pictured here-a man of lar~ a.f lairs Who manages these Oxford Mills and countless honors shares In church and school; in Board of Trade he heills in everytlting And when the apt occasion comes-be teaches them to sing. Then every homage be to him-tile subject of these rhymesWho spells "Success" in large conccrns-and also sings betimes.