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[image: Pen and ink caricature of a middle-aged man sitting in a swivel desk chair in front of a desk. In front of his chair there is a scatter of thick Law books and papers with accomplishments and positions held written on them. On the papers is written "Sec & Treas. Foxcroft Academy", "Sen. & Rep.", "3 Terms County Attorney", "2 Terms State Rep. Comm", and "Promoter of New Woolen Mills". On the books is written "29 Yr's Law", "Law Vol. 26", and "Law". He holds a large pen in his right hand. There is a small figure with a fishing pole standing on the back of his chair, by his left ear, with a word balloon that says "Come up to Moosehead." There is another small figure dressed in colonial attire standing on his desk, with a feather sticking out of his hat that has "Mayflower" written on it, and holding a paper that says "Gov. Bradford". Finally, there is a tiny young goat frolicking among the books and a sign of the wall stating "THIS IS MY BUSY DAY!!"]


"THE gentleman from Foxcroft," I hear the Speaker say. "The Senator from Piscataquis," the years have passed away. But memory quickly serves me, the picture to recall, Of him, who stood to answer, to the parIimentary call. I have seen and heard him often, and have always felt the Man; The power of his logic or the wisdom of his plan. In the courts, the House or Senate, he's been faithful, thru and thru. Consistent and coherent, fervent, strong and true. The modern times are calling for a modern kind of man, Who recognizes duties, on the altruistic plan; Who would seek to find such resource, as Dame Nature kindly gives And is devoted to the service of the people where he lives. Such is Parsons, up at Foxcroft, who hasn't simply practiced law But who's pushed as hard for business, as any man you ever saw— Not the business of his office, but the business of his town— For the mill, the shop, the power-plant that makes the wheels go round, And I esteem it quite a marvel when a busy lawyer can Find his happy avocation, in such an altruistic plan.