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Thursday January 17, 1822 - [Remonst. &c. committed] The remonstrance of Jonathan Margan against the Petition of Seward Porter - and the Petition of Samuel Bean & others for a timber corporation on Saco river at Brownfield, were severally read and committed to the joint standing committee on turnpikes, bridges and canals - Sent down for concurrence - came up severally concurred - The remonstrance of Samuel White and others of Orono against the Petition of Luther H. Hills an others, committed in the House to the above committee, came up for concurrence - read and committed to said committee in concurrence with the House.

The following petition and remonstrance committed in the House to the joint standing committee on Incorporation of Towns, came top for concurrence, to wit The remonstrance of Elnathan Pope and others inhabitants of the town of Farmington against petitions for a new county by severance of Oxford &c. and The petition of Israel Millet & others of Bowdoinham praying to be set off and annexed to the town of Bowdoin — and they were severally read and committed to the same committee in concurrence with the House. [Report] Mr. Poor from the Committee on applications for manufacturing companies reported that James Rundlet have leave to bring in a bill - read and accepted - Sent down for concurrence - came up concurred - [Message from Govr.] The Secretary of State came in and laid on the table the following communication from the Governor to wit - “to the Senate and House of Representatives - On examining the Treasurer’s account as published by order of the Legislature, I find it does not show the expenditures of the Convention that framed the Constitution. The accounts were