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[image - Pen and ink drawing of a middle aged gentleman standing, holding a hoe in his right hand and slung over his right shoulder. He also holds a miniature cow in his left hand. The hoe has "The man with the hoe" emblazoned on it. On the lapel of his coat is a pin that reads, "Ex Sheriff Cumberland Co. ME." At his feet are farm animals milling around, including a horse, two pigs, ducks and chickens. A basket of potatoes rests on the ground, surrounded by loose apples. In the background on the left side of the page is the congressional building with Uncle Sam standing on the portico, and a farm homestead on the right of the page]

SAMUEL W. PLUMMER, of Portland.

SAMUEL W. Plummer. HE! Loves a rural life, you see; Hates the "clash of rude alarm;" rather work, upon the farm! O! O! O! "The Man with the Hoe!" Always keeps it, on the go; Works all night; works all day; skips out doors at break of day, Works, works, early and late - hoping to raise the prize "pertate," Always hustling; never sits down; runs up town and then runs down. Monday, over Rockland way; Tuesday, up at AU-GUS-TAY; Wednesday, after hoeing's done, takes a trip to Washington: Thursday, he decides to be a congressional nom-i-NEE. Samuel W. Plummer, HE; loves a rural life, you see. Never lays aside the hoe-always chores to do, you know; Loves to dig and dig and dig; always up against it, big; Hates the "clash of rude alarm;" rather work upon the farm. Simple life! Well! that's the fun: over there, in Washington.