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Cookbook Author Admits She Has Mixed Emotions

! AUGUSTA-Marjorie Stand!sh, Maine Sunday Telegram food columnist, finds she is living 1n a world of contradlctions. on the one hand, she says, she is happy to know that with more than 1,000 advance orders in less than a week, success appears assured for her first ,hard oover cookbook, "Cooklni Down East."

shop and the book ~ been forwarded to t)le bindery ·in Boston. "Q'nless unforeseen d e 1 a y s bop up, the first fiipment of boba should be re~lved dilring ,, w th~ Week of Dec. 16 · CQQklng Down ~ M W con_tain more t~an 3 ~f Rlj· jori.e Standish s favor~te and hlOat sought-B!ter recipes. It Jria. be attractively bound belf'NiJ pumpkin yellow covers. On t e other, ee Is con- ~tions by Penelope Watts mark chapter breaks. comcerned because P 110<>kbook is being dis1' will 'plications mean by the Matne Sunday not be available r: sbibution until the miadle of De- feleg1'am as a public service. cember, at least. And It might Reservations are now being processed and will be handled be later .than that. 'Ille status of her book ls on a first come, first served basis. The accompanying cou µits: Pnnt,l.ng has been completed pon is provided for your conat the Kennebec Journal Print ,entence.