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To the Hon. Israel Washburn Jr

   Governor and Commander in Chief

Sir We the undersigned Citizens of Brewer and vicinity respectfully represent that Charles F Nickerson of Brewer is a Corporal in Company G. 2d Reg. of Maine Vol - and that he is desirous of being transfered to some one of the batteries of Artillery now being formed in this State with the hope of a more honorable position than he now holds - Mr Nickerson is a young man of good character and habits - smart and intelligent and is capable of filling a more important job than he now holds - And the fact that he was amongst the first to respond to their Countrys call and take up arms for her defense ought not to bar him from promotion - we therefore request that he may be transfered to C of Swett's battery of Artillery now recruiting at Bangor Geo O Goodwin C. W. Dunning W. S. Sterns R. K. Cushing Chas. E. Dole David Shedd James Dunning W A Blake Nathan N. Phillips Nathan C Agren S Moulton Saucuett[?] Dole S. Bolton Geo C Pickering Danl Sargent

                                                       C G. Sterns
                                                       Thomas W. Vose
                                                       T. H. Cushing

A. A. Wing James B Frick Thomas J Stewart J. B. Foster Albert Noulton J. Bingham Wm S Onchard