[1823 January 22]
[Bill to incorporate Hancock Lodge] Bill to incorporate Hancock Lodge, passed to be engrossed in the House, came up for concurrence, was read twice & passed to be engrossed in concurrence with the House.-
[Bill add' to incorporate first Congregational Society in Eastport] Bill additional to an Act to incorporate the first Congregational Society in Eastport, was read a second time & passed to be engrossed, sent down for concurrence.
[Bill relating to the Judiciary] Mr. Green from the Committee to whom was referred the Bill relating to the Judiciary, reported that the same ought not to pass which report was not accepted. The question was then taken by years & nays upon the passage of the Bill to be engrossed was amended by the House and decided in the affirmative as follows, viz Yeas Messrs Bond Burnham Dennett Dunn Higgins McDonald Steele Small Usher Wilson Witham - 11
Nays Messrs Buxton Case Green [Greene] Kelleran [Killeran] Morrill O'Brien Rose Tallman Whitney-9
[Remonstrances against the division of Waldoborough] Remonstrances of Inhabitants of Waldoboro: Do. of Joseph A. Ludwig & others Do. of Zadoc Thomas & others. all against the division of Waldoborough, committed in the House to the Joint standing com-