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Legislative History: [underlined]

P.L 1969, c. 465. P.&S.L. 1971, c. 139.

5.28--Maine Commission on Drug Abuse.[underlined] Created by P.L. 1971, c.379.

Duties--coordinate all State Governmental efforts dealing with problems of drug abuse; make grants to and cooperate with local, private and regional agencies dealing with drug abuse.

Members--Commissioner of Health and Welfate, Commissioner of Mental Health and Corrections, Commissioner of Education, Chair- man of Employment Security Commision, Chief of State Police, Attorney General, State Planning Director, Federal State Coordinator, Director of Office of Economic Opportunity, Chan- cellor of University of Maine, State Health Planning Council, Director of Maine Youth Corps, representative of Governor's Youth Task Force, 4 citizens of the State appointed by the Governor.

Legislative History: [underlined]


6.01--Maine Aeronautical Committee.[underlined] Created by P.L. 1939, c. 8, [symbol] 1. Name changed to Maine Aeronautics Commission [underlined] by P.L. 1949, c. 389, [symbol] 4. Abolished by P.L. 1969, c. 498.

Duties--administer laws relating to aeronautics and make such rules and regulations concerning air traffic as may be necessary to pro- mote public safety and best interests of aviation in the State, not inconsistent with Federal laws; supervise and control all State airports; maintain and supervise such planes as may be owned by the State, excluding planes owned or operated by Department of Fisheries and Game, or the Forestry Department.

Members--1 commercial airport operator, 1 aviation trades employee, 3 not connected with aviation.

Legislative History:[underlined]

P.L. 1939, c. 8, [symbol] 1. P.L 1949, c. 389, [symbol] 4. R. 1957, cc. 69; 167. R. 1959, c. 88. P.L. 1969, c. 498.

6.02--Maine Aeronautics Commission.[underlined]
