165 [1823 January 24] [Bill to annex part of Oxford Co. to Somerset] Bill to annex a part of Oxford County to Somerset County, was read a second time and passed to be engrossed as taken into a new draft; sent down for concurrence.
[order concerning making deeds bonds contracts &c valid] On motion of Mr. Bond, ordered that Messrs Bond and Green [Greene] be a committee by law for the ratification of deeds, bonds, contracts and agreements which have been executed informally, so as to effectuate the time intent and meaning of the parties.
[Messages concerning the amendment of an engrossed Bill] On motion of Mr. Bond ordered that a Message be sent to the House proposing an amendment in the engrossed Bill entitled "An Act to incorporate the proprietors of Lewiston Bridge", by striking out the word five in the 19th line from the beginning, and inserting instead thereof the word one.
[Bid] A message was received from the House by Mr. Child their Clerk, informing that the House concurred with the Senate in their amendment of the engrossed Bill to incorporate the proprietors of Lewiston Bridge.
[Message from the Governor] The Secretary of State came in and laid on the table a written message from the Governor, accompanied with a Communication from the Governor of Massachusetts. read and sent down.
[Bill respecting deeds, bonds, contracts &c] Bill respecting deeds, bonds, contracts and agreements read once and tomorrow at ten oclock