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�Heirs of Francis Small and Major Nicholas Shapleigh and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts under the Heirs of Sir Ferdinando Gorge with copies of the above vote -- Voted to adjourn to Tuesday the 26th of September next at 5 OClock P.M. Then to meet at the Coffee House in Boston and the meeting was accordingly adjourned --

                              John Avery jun Esq Proprietors Clerk

Tuesday 26th Sept 1781 the Proprietors of a certainTract of Land Laying in the Province of Maine holden under the Will of Bridget Phillips late of Boston deceased met According to adjournment Present William Phillips Esq [?] William Powell Josiah Waters William Phillips jun John Avery jun Voted that Honibl William Phillips Esq be Moderator at this meeting Pro Tempore - Voted that this meeting be [?] and it is hereby [?] accordingly The following is a letter from Several of the Proprietors to the Clerk requesting him to call a meeting --

                                Boston August 29th 1781


        We the Subscribers Proprietors of a

Tract of Land Laying in the late Province of Maine now County of York, holding under the Will of Bridget Phillips, late of Boston deceased, desire you would Advertize a meeting of the Proprietors of said Land as soon as may be for the following purposes. [?]

 To Choose a Moderator
 To Choose an Agent of Agents to prosecute and defend