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�Heirs of Francis Small and Major Nicholas Shapleigh and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts under the Heirs of Sir Ferdinando Gorge with copies of the above vote -- Voted to adjourn to Tuesday the 26th of September next at 5 OClock P.M. Then to meet at the Coffee House in Boston and the meeting was accordingly adjourned --

                              John Avery jun Esq Proprietors Clerk

Tuesday 26th Sept 1781 the Proprietors of a certainTract of Land Laying in the Province of Maine holden under the Will of Bridget Phillips late of Boston deceased met According to adjournment Present William Phillips Esq [?] William Powell Josiah Waters William Phillips jun John Avery jun Voted that Honibl William Phillips Esq be Moderator at this meeting Pro Tempore - Voted that this meeting be [?] and it is hereby [?] accordingly The following is a letter from Several of the Proprietors to the Clerk requesting him to call a meeting --

                                Boston August 29th 1781


        We the Subscribers Proprietors of a

Tract of Land Laying in the late Province of Maine now County of York, holding under the Will of Bridget Phillips, late of Boston deceased, desire you would Advertize a meeting of the Proprietors of said Land as soon as may be for the following purposes. [?]

 To Choose a Moderator
 To Choose an Agent of Agents to prosecute and defend

Suits that may be commenced for or against said Proprietors, and to regain the Possession of such Lands as have been taken up and possessed by Transfers and tortious Enterers[?] ----

 To Vote and agree upon some speedy and certain Method

for fixing, vetting and determining the Limits and Bounds of the Proprietors Lands, or any other Person, propriety, or the Commonwealth, if they think proper and to appoint an Agent of Agents for that special Intent and purposes --

 To vote and raise such Sum or Sums of Money as may

be needfull to pay and discharge the Charges that have already arisen, and to choose suitable persons to Assess and effect the Same --