State of Maine
Penobscot County, ss.
ON this sixteenth day of October, 1820, personally appeared before Martin Kemly [?] a Justice of the Circuit Court of Common Pleas, for the Counties of Hancock, Washington and Penobscot being a Court of Record for said Counties, proceeding according to the course of the common law, having original jurisdiction, unlimited in amount, keeping a record of their proceedings, and having the power of fine and imprisonment, Solomon Collins aged fifty eight years, resident in Bucksport in the Country of Hancock within said Circuit, who being first duly sworn according to law, doth, on his oath, declare that he served in the Revolutionary war as follows, viz. in the Company commanded by Captain [previous four words are crossed out] Maine's company - and Regiment commanded by Colonel Sheppard then Smith [?] of the line of the Sate of Massachusetts upon the Continental Estab