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Index R

Reports of Committees - “ on Maine Charity School 107 “ on costs in criminal prosecutions 116 “ on governors message respecting appropriation of money &c - 118 “ on Literary Institutions at Brunswick and Waterville 123

Reports of the Sup. J. Court - Committee to consider expediency of purchasing copies for use of the State, 117

[See Committee - Petitions, Bills Resolves, &c.]

Report of Committee on votes for Senators, 5 - for Govr. 10 to wait on Gov. elect 11 on Treasurer’s accounts 42 on unrevised laws &c on Memorial of Washington City, 60 on Northern & Eastern boundaries of State, 62 on application agt. Washington Academy, 65 on Staate printing in part 67 on Maryland Resolutions &c, 82 on unfinished business, &c, 83

Remonstrances, read and committed - viz “ of Jonathan Brown &als, 32 “ John Dickinson &als 44 Joseph Fairbanks & als John F. Gardiner &als, 50 Ezra Gibbs &als 37 John Harrison &al 32 Moses Hudson &als 44 Thomas W. Crate &al 70