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ERTAIN names are linked with sections, in the history of Maine; Men who did things; men who dared things, men who bravely stood the strain Of the fight to blaze the pathway, to a higher livelihood, And create ,,the growing city, where the lonely forests stood, They are wI'ltten in the tl'ibutes that their fellow-townsmen pay; They al'e large, in public records, in the true historic way, 'Vhile as monuments of progress, within walls of brick a))(l stone, They endow OUI' busy COimnerce, in a manner all their own. Take the Goodalls, down in Sanford; it's an ample case in hand;With a name for skill and progress that is famous thru the land, With their mill renowned in business, in a manner well defined In the fashioning of fabriCS, for the dress for humankind. You do not need this mention or this likeness that we show To recall the man here pictured, for you, all of you, well know That he's built up here, among us, such a truly honored name That it's linked with business progress in the western part of Maine, In his mills and banks and railroads, till, the people say, who should, He not only is a Good-all; but he, likewise, is all-good.
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