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[4] [1827]

On motion by Mr Southwick, ordered that the Rules & orders of the last Senate be adopted for the government of the present until others are formed and helpful.

[Returns of votes for Senators] The Secretary of State came in and laid on the table the Returns of votes for Senators given in the several towns and plantations in the State, and the same were referred to Messrs Williams, Hathaway, Dennett, Ewell and Grover

[Message organ. of H. R.] AN message was received from the House of Representatives that they were duly organized by the choice of John Juggles Esq. Speaker and James L. Child Clerk

[Message to H.R.] Mr Emerry was charged with a message to the House of Representatives that the Senate was duly organized by the choice of Robert P Dunlap Esq. President & Eben Hutchinson Esq. Secretary

[Returns of votes for Gover.] The Secretary of State came in and laid on the table the Returns of votes for Governor given in the several towns and plantations in this State and the same were ordered to lie on the table.

[Messenger chosen] on motion by Mr Southwick, the Senate proceeded to ballot for the choice of a messenger John Merrill had ‘Seventeen votes” the whole number given and was declared elected

[assistant secy. appointed]

On motion of Mr Dunn, ordered that the Secretary of the Senate be authorized to appoint an Assistant, Samuel P. Benson was appointed