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215 [1823 February 1] been referred to the next Legislature and sent down for concurrence, cam up, nonconcurred: and the Senate insist upon the4ir vote by which they referred the subject to the next Legislature.

[Messages relative to the division of North Yarmouth] A message from the House by Mr. Child their Clerk. "Mr. President, the House of Representatives have appointed Messrs Abbot of Castine and Fuller of Readfield on their part, a committee of conference upon the subject of the difference of the two Houses upon the Bill additional to an act to divide the town of North Yarmouth and incorporate the westerly part thereof, into a town by the name of Cumberland." A message was then sent to the House incoming them that the Senate on their part had appointed Messrs. Witham and Usher to confer with the committee of the House upon the subject of difference upon said Bill.

[Bill additional to the General powers of Man. Companies] Bill additional to an Act defining the general powers and duties of Manufacturing Companies, which had been passed to be engrossed and sent down for concurrence, came up concurred.

[Bill to divide the State into Districts] The Committee on engrossed Bills reported the Bill to divide the State into districts for the choice of Representatives to Congress and prescribing the mode of election, to be truly copied; and on motion of Mr. McDonald the Bill was committed to Messrs Dennett, Wilson and Dunn.
