219 [1823 February 3] [Resolves [passed] and Resolve in favor of Todd and Smith to be copied and they were severally passed.
[Resolves passed to be engrossed] Resolve to ascertain the number of Deaf and Dumb persons in this State, Resolve respecting the erection of a gaol in Washington County, were severally read and passed to be engrossed - sent down for concurrence.
[Committee on the fund of Academies] On motion of Mr. Wilson, ordered that Messrs Dennett and Wilson be a Committee to enquire into the expediency of providing by law that all Academies incorporated by the authority of this State shall go into actual operation within one year from the date of the incorporation, and shall have funds in buildings & other property to the amount of fifteen hundred dollars, on penalty of forfeiting their charter, with leave to report by bill or otherwise.
[Report concurring Land Agent] Mr. Wilson from the Committee to whom was referred a Resolve authorizing the Governor to appoint a General Land Agent for the preservation of timber on the public lands &c reported that the same ought not to pass: Read, accepted and sent down for concurrence: came up concurred.
[Resolve for the admission of Josiah Hacker] Resolve for the admission of Josiah Hacker to practice law in the Court of Common Pleas, was read and passed to be engrossed as taken into