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�To the Sheriff of our County of (York) his Under-Sheriff of Deputy, Greeting. We Command you to attach the Goods or Eftate of (William Keating of Kittery in our County of York. Yeoman to the Valueof (ninty) Pounds, and for Want thereof to take (?) Body of the faid (William) (if (he) may be found in your Precinct) and (him) fafely keep fo that you have (him) before our Juftices of our Inferior Court of Common Pleas, next to be holden at (York) within and for our faid County of (York) on the (Second) Tuefday in (April) next, then and there in Our faid Court to anfwer unto (John Main of York aforesaid yeoman in a Plea of Trefpaf upon the case for that[?] Whereas one Prinie(socalled), a Negro man on the first Day of January 1770 at York aforsaid being Duly and Law fully Retained in the Service of the said John to serve him as a menial Servant for the Term of Life and he the said Prinie haveing Served the said John Evertine[?] the said first Day of January to the Twentyeth Day of December 1777 whereby the [?] had and received great Profit and very confiderable advantage in his affairs by means of the service of Said Prine[?] yet he the said William being not Ignorant of the Preni[?] but contriveing and Fraudulently Intending to Deprive the [?] of the Service of the Said Servant and of all the advantages Gain and benefit Which he