sent down for concurrence.-
[Petition referred]
Petition of Gray to have a toll at Staples Point Bridge, committed in the House to the committee on Turnpikes, &c came up for concurrence, and was concurred.-
Bill establishing the line between the towns Litchfield and Richmond, came up in a new draft : and the Senate reconsider their vote by which they passed the Bill to be engrossed, and commit the reported it without amendment : and the Bill was passed to be engrossed in concurrence.-
[Message & Bill]
A message was then received from the House informing that they had amended the engrossed Bill to annex a part of Buxton to Standish by striking out the 2d section thereof, and requesting the concurrence of the Senate : The Bill was then committed to Messrs Dennett, Wheeler and Dunn.-
[Report on Petition]
Mr. Dennett from the committee on petition of the town of Lisbon, reported that the petitioners cause an attested copy of their petition with this order thereon to be published in the American Advocate and General Advertiser, printed at Bath, three weeks successively, the last publication to be sixty days at least before the first Wednesday of the first session of the next Legislature : Read, accepted and sent down for concurrence : concurred.-