[1823 January 14]
[Message from the House]
A Message from the House by Mr. Child, their Clerk. -
"Mr. President,
I am directed by the House of Representatives to inform this Hon. Body, that the House on their part have added to the committee on so much of the Governor's message as relates to literature, two members, viz. Messrs McCrillis and Gross. -
[from the Senate]
Mr. Witham was then added to the same committee on the part of the Senate; and a message was sent to the House informing them of the same. -
[Pets: Waterville College]
Petition of Committee of Waterville College for Legislation aid, committed in the House to the Joint Committee on so much of the Governor's message as relates to the encouragement of Literature, came up for concurrence, was read and concurred. -
[Stephen Neal]
Petition of Stephen Neal for an additional act for the support and regulation of a mill, committed in the House to the Joint Standing Committee on New Trials, came up for concurrence, was read and concurred. -
[Remons. Wm. Leland et als]
Remonstrance of William Leland & others against the petition of Shaw Higgins & 33 others and
[Selectmen of Swanville]
Remonstrance of selectmen of Swanville against the petition of John McClure and others, committed in the House to the Joint standing committee on Incorporation of Towns, came up for concurrence, was read & concurred. Remonstrance