[Left margin: 1825]
The Senate so far reconsider their former vote as to concur with the House.
[Left margin: Resolve]
The Senate reconsider their vote by which they passed to be engrossed the Resolve granting a pension to James Pomroy,” and commit the same to Messrs. Holland, Dunn and Parlin.
[Left margin: Petition referred]
Petition of gersham Wait & als. of dixfield to be annexed to Canton, committed in the House to the committee on Incorporation of Towns, came up for concurrence: Read and concurred.
[Left margin: Bill]
Bill authorizing the town of Bangor to purchase the bridge over the Kenduskeag River in said town”, was read twice and passed to be engrossed, sent down for concurrence.
[Left margin: Reports on Petitions]
Mr. Holland from the committee,
on petition of William Tozier,” and
on petition of William Ferguson,”
reported that they severally have leave to bring in a Resolve: Read, accepted and sent down for concurrence: concurred.
[Left margin: Bills]
Bill authorizing the town of Portland to assess a tax on the owners of Dogs,” was read once and committed to Messrs. Dunlap, Green & Parsons of L.
Bill to establish the Penobscot Boom Corporation”, was read once and commited to Messrs. Scammon, Campbell and Green.
Bill establishing a Municipal Court in the town of Portland”, Bill
[Last word written at end of a new line]