[Left margin: 1825 February 8.
Report &c[?]]
of Anthony Merchant, reported that the same be referred to the next Legislature: Read, accepted and sent down for concurrence: concurred.
Mr. Campbell from the committee, on petition of Robert Page & als. reported that they have leave to bring in a Bill: Read, accepted and sent down for concurrence: concurred.
[Left margin: Report]
Mr. Parlin from the committee, on an order upon that subject, reported that it is inexpedient to authorize the Land Agent of this State to sell timber on the undivided lands: Read, accepted and sent down for concurrence: concurred.
Mr. Parlin from the committee, on petition of Samuel Briggs & als. reported that they have leave to withdraw their petition: Read, accepted and sent down for concurrence: concurred.
Attest Charles B. Smith, Secretary