[Left margin: Titles of Resolves]
-Resolve for opening and clearing a road from the South line of township number two, old Indian purchase, on the east side of Penobscot river, to the Metanawcook stream
-Resolve relative to the State road north of the Bingham Purchase
-Resolve making appropriation for expenses of the State Arsenal
-Resolve in favor of Oliver Perkins
-Resolve concerning Greenleafs’ Reports
-Resolve in favor of Abel Gibson
-Resolve for locating a road from Matanawcook to Houlton
-Resolve in favor of the town of Calais
-Resolve respecting the purchase of a standard of Weights and Measures
-Resolve in favor of Thompson Pond Plantation
-Resolve in favor of the Maine Wesleyan Seminary
-Resolve in favor of Thomas todd
-Resolve in favor of Mariaville South
-Resolve respecting the Managers of the Sullivan Bridge Lottery
-Resolve taxing township Number five in the second range in the county of Oxford, and establishing the valuation thereof.
-resolve for the payment of Contingent expenses
-Resolve for the purchase of Stationary
-Resolve respecting the Northeastern Boundary of the State
-Resolve in favor of Joel Wellington and Samuel Whitney
-Resolve providing compensation for certain Officers of the Legislature
-Resolve fixing the place for the meeting of the next Legislature of this State
-Resolve respecting the State Prison