Tuesday February 4th 1823.
Met according to adjournment. Journal read.
[Committee - forms of Recognizances &c]
On motion of Mr Todd, Ordered, that Messrs Todd, Burgess, & Thompson be a committee to enquire into the expediency of establishing by law forms of recognizances to be entered into before Justices of the Peace in criminal cases brought before them, to report by bill or otherwise - read & passed.
[Districting &c]
Message from the Senate by Mr Smith their Secretary. Mr Speaker, The Senate have amended the engrossed bill to divide the State into Districts, for the choice of Representatives in the Congress of the United States & prescribing the mode of election, by striking out the second section and substituting a new section in lieu thereof & request the concurrence of the House. The House referred the Bill to Messrs Prime, Qiunnam, Dunlap, McCrillis, Crane, Parker of G. Wilkins of N.C. Prentiss & Parlin.
[Bill - incorp. Richmond]
Bill, to divide the town of Bowdoinham & establish the town of Richmond, was read a 3d time & passed as amended at A to be engrossed. Sent up for concurrence.
[Bill - change name of certain persons]
Bill to change the names of certain persons, (reported by the committee on the subject) was read 1st time and recommitted.
[Bill to incorp. Barr Mill Bridge]
Bill to incorporate the barr Mill bridge proprietors, was read a 3d time & referred to Messrs Scammon, Small & Burr.
[Rep. Peter W Willis]
Report on petition of Peter W. Willis of Anson to be annexed to