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[1823 January 29.]

Read, accepted and sent down for concurrence: came up concurred. -

[Bills enacted]

Messrs. Case and Witham from the Committee on engrossed Bills reported the following to be truly copied, viz. -

Bill to alter the time of holding the Court of Sessions in the County of Hancock, Bill to incorporate the proprietors of Stearns' Pond Canal, Bill to incorporate the South Berwick Bank, Bill additional to an Act to incorporate the first Congregational Society in Eastport, Bill to change the name of the town of Putnam, Bill to incorporate the Bath Marine Insurance Company, Bill to incorporate the Gardiner Manufacturing Company, and Bill to incorporate Somerset Lodge, and they were severally passed to be enacted, also

[Resolve passed]

Resolve authorizing the conveyance of certain land real estate of Supply Walker, which was passed. -

[Report on petition]

Mr. Wilson from the Committee on the petition of John P. Boyd, reported that he have leave to withdraw his petition: Read, accepted and sent down for concurrence: came up concurred. -

Mr. Green from the Committee, on the petition of sundry inhabitants of the westerly part