315 [Titles of Resolves] Titles of the Resolves passed by the third Legislature of the State of Maine, and approved by the Governor, viz.
Resolve relating to the printing for the State. Resolve appointing a Committee to enquire into the doings of the Bangor Bank. Resolve authorizing Barret Potter to sell and convey lands of Elizabeth W. Chase a minor. Resolve in favor of Nathaniel Tilton. Resolve granting a pension to David Seavey. Resolve authorizing the conveyance of certain State lands to Robert Crosby and Joseph Kinsman. Resolve providing for the promulgation and distribution of Laws and Resolves of the State. Resolve confirming the doings of the town of Wiltono. Resolve on the petition of Archclaus Lewis & others. Resolve granting a pension to John Carlton 2nd. Resolve in favor of Ephraim Currier. Resolve granting a pension to Elisha Douglass. Resolve in favor of James Bridge.