been lost by fire or other casualty - reported a Resolve + the report was accepted.
Resolve granting a copy of the Statutes + Resolves of this State to the town of Maxfield in the County of Penobscot, was read twice + passed to be engrossed. Sent up for concurrence.
Petition of the Selectmen of Trenton for a full or half shire at Ellsworth " of Alfred Langdon +als on the same subject " of Aaron Fellows +als of Chesterville to be annexed to Fayette Remonstrance of Manley Hardy and on behalf of the town of Bucksport against division of the County of Hancock were severally read + referred to the committee on the incorporation of towns. Sent up for concurrence.
Bill . an additional act to prevent the destruction of Fish in Denny's river and Pinmaquan reported with sundry amendments which were adopted, was read a third time and passed to be engrossed. Sent up for concurrence.
James L. Child