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Little Keizar River, was read a 1st & 2nd time & tomorrow at ten oclock assigned for a third reading.

Bill additional to the several acts now in force relating to the inspection of Butter & Lard, was read 1st & 2nd time & tomorrow at 11 oclock assigned for a third reading.

Bill revoking the charter of the Winthrop bank, was read a 1st & 2nd time & tomorrow at eleven oclock assigned for a third reading.

Bill to incorporate the Portland Glass Manufacturing Company was read a 1st & 2nd time & tomorrow at ten oclock assigned for a third reading.

Resolve in favor of the Massachusetts Medical Society, was read once & tomorrow at ten oclock assigned for a second reading.

Bill authorizing the Medical Society to establish subordinate Societies, was read a third time & passed to be engrossed as amended. Sent up for concurrence.

Bill to regulate the taking of Fish in the Narraguagus River was read a third time & passed to be engrossed as amended Sent up for concurrence.

Resolve providing for the selection of a State Paper & repealing such parts of existing Resolves as constitute and declare the Eastern Argus the State Paper - laid n the table by Mr Smith of Newfield, yesterday, was called up and the consideration of the subject assigned for the fifteenth day of March next, and the question of assigning that time was decided by yeas and nays as follows Yeas 70. Nays 69. [see appendix page 266.]

Ordered, that the committee on the Judiciary be directed to inquire what alterations if any are necessary in the several acts