[notice to Samuel Butman, Esq.]
On motion by Mr. Williams ordered that the Secretary of the Senate notify Samuel Butman Esquire, that he is elected a Senator for the County of Penobscot, the current political year, and request his attendance at this board forthwith.
[Report of Committee on Rules & Orders.]
Mr. Dunlap from the Committee appointed to draft Rules and Orders for Government of the Senate during the continuance of the present Legislature, reported the following
Rules and Orders
1 Every member, when he speaks, shall stand in his place and address the President; and when he has done speaking, shall sit down. And when the President speaks he shall address the board.
2 No member shall speak more than once on one question, to the prevention of any other, who has not spoken and is desirous to speak; nor more than twice without obtaining leave of the Board.
3 No member shall interrupt another, while speaking except to call to order, or to correct a mistake in point of fact.
4 When the Senate are called to order in the morning the Journal of the preceeding day shall be read, and the orders of the day for the assignment of business shall also be read, or stated from the chair.