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to excite the ambition of the soldiers to honour themselves and their corps, by keeping their arms in good order, and wearing a handsome uniform. They should themselves be an example of punctuality & precision in every thing relating to their duty. They should honour themselves by a strict application to discipline, & endeavour that the individuals of their several corps shall be distinguished by habits of subordination, & a regular attention to all the essentials that constitute the soldier. In a word, they should neglect nothing which their situations will afford, to perfect their respective corps as a military body. These, among others, are the constant duties of the officers. In the exercise of them there is ample room to display their ambition & talents to advantage.Few sacrifices are required; and by application & perseverance, the object may easily be accomplished. Then will the militia of Massachusetts be a host of warriors!

On the third instant expired the term for which the 80,000 men were detached conformably to the act of Congress of June 24, 1797. The Commander in chief is very happy, that the political state of the country has not called for their services in the field.

By the regulations of the troops of the United States the black cockade, with a small white eagle in the center, is established as the military badge. In conformity to that regulation, the Commander in chief orders, that the same be established as a part of the uniform of the militia of this Commonwealth, & cockades of any