� 8.03 -- State Boxing Commission. [underlined] Created by P.L. 1939, c. 282, ss 1 Duties -- promulgate and administer rules and regulations necessary to govern boxing in the State; issue licenses. Members -- 3 appointed by Governor with advice and consent of Council. Legislative History: [underlined] P.L. 1939, c. 282, ss 1. R. 1957, c. 87.
8.04 -- State Harness Racing Commission. [underlined] See State Racing Commission: [underlined] 8.01.
9.01 -- Commissioners to Examine the Doings of Certain Banks. [underlined] Created by R. 1820, c. 10. Duties -- Inquire into and investigate the transactions of the Hallowell and Augusta Bank, Wiscasset Bank, and the Castine Bank. Members -- 3 appointed by the Legislature. Legislative History: [underlined] R. 1820, c. 10. R. 1821, c. 52.
9.02 -- Committee to Examine Bangor Bank. [underlined] Created by R. 1823, c. 2 Duties -- Inquire into and investigate the transactions and situ-ation of the Bangor Bank; make a full exhibit of its trans-actions to the Legislature. Members -- 2 appointed by the Legislature. Legislative History: [underlined] R. 1823, c.2; 25.
9.03 -- Commissioners to Examine Banks. [underlined] Created by R. 1826, c. 55. Duties -- report to the Governor and Council on the doings and
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