186 to Messrs Alden of Brunswick, Bradford of Livermore + White of Monmouth.
Bill regulating Weights, was called up + referred to Messrs Warren of Hiram, Barnard of Dixfield + Small of Wales.
Resolve in favor of John G. Deane was called up and referred to Messrs Hutchinson of Hartford, Fuller of Augusta + Higgins of Eden.
Bill to regulate the taking of Alewives in Prospect Stream was read 1st + 2nd time + tomorrow at ten oclock assigned for a 3rd reading.
Bill to incorporate the Mosaic Lodge, was read a third time + passed to be engrossed in concurrence with the Senate.
Bill establishing the line between Jefferson and the towns of Washington, Waldoboro', Newcastle + Alna, was read a third time + passed to be engrossed in concurrence with the Senate.
Bill additional act to exempt certain goods + chattels from attachment, execution + distress, came from the Senate amen ded for concurrence - and the House so far receded from their former vote as to pass the Bill to be engrossed as thus amended in concurrence with the Senate.