Petition of Elkhanah Hanscombe and others of Plantation No [right margin] Pet of Elkanah Hanscombe 20 in the Eastern Division Washington County to be incorporated into a town by the name of Liberty " of James McCarty and others of Squam Island for [right margin] Pet of J[?] McCart +als incorporation into a town by the name of Westport " of Washington Remick that his lands in Kittery [right margin] Pet of Washington Remick may be annexed to Elliot " of Manasseh Lawrence and others of Canton to be annexed to Jay [right margin] Pet of M. Lawrence +als " of Selectmen of Litchfield that the boundary line between [right margin] Pet of Selectmen of Litchfield that town and Wales may be established and " of William Glidden and others of Patricktown planta tion to be annexed to Jefferson [right margin] Pet of WM Glidden +als and Remonstrance of David Kimball + others [right margin] Remonstrance of David Kimball + als " of town of Starks [both the above entries] "Town of Starks agst the petition of Joshua Young + als [right margin] " of town of Starks " of Selectmen of Canton agst the petition of Manasseh Lawrence [right margin] "Selectmen of Canton " of town of Foxcroft agst petition of Richard Newell + others [right margin "Town of Foxcroft " of town of Danville agt petition of Isaac Lambert [right margin] " Town of Danville were severally read and referred to the committee on Incorpora tion of towns in concurrence.
Petition of Benjamin Nourse and others of Bangor for incorpo- ration to build a meeting House in Bangor to be styled the first Methodist Episcopal meeting House in Bangor [right margin] pet of Benj Nourse +als " of Alen Gilman and others for incorporation to build a Meeting House for the use of the independent Congrega tional Society in Bangor were referred in concurrence to the Committee on Parishes +c. [right margin] pet of Allan Gilman + als
Petition of Barnabas Tabor that Paul Tabor may be authorized
[right margin]
pet of B Tabor
to convey certain lands belonging to his ward,
" of Jonathan McKenney for remuneration of expenses in
curred in arresting one Johnson a fugitive from justice.
[right margin]
" of Jana McKenney
" of Isaac Pope for compensation in damages done him by
[right margin]
" of Isaac Pope
locating a road over his lands were severally referred in