34 [left margin] Pet of Town of Liberty [main body] Petition of the town of Liberty that the lines of said town may be defined [left margin] " of B.R. Jones [main body] " or Benjamin R. Jones of No 10 Eastern Division of Washington County for incorporation as a town and {left margin] Rem of J. Balch + als [main body] Remonstrance of John Balch and others agt the petition of John Crane and others praying incorporation of a town by the name of Adams [left margin] " N.C. Davis " Israel Smith [main body] " Nathan C. Davis " Israel Smith agt setting off that part of Palmyra called the IIs were severally referred in concurrence to the committee on Incorporation of towns
[left margin] Pet of [?] Kimball + als [main body] Petition of Issachar Kimball and others of Lyman for incorrpo- ration by the name of the Proprietors of the Congrega- tional meeting house in Lyman and [left margin] " of J. Barker + als " of Jonathan Barker and others of Bridgton to be incor- porated into a Parish were severally referred to the committee on Parishes +c, in concurrence.
[left margin] pet Inh of Thomaston " Inh. of Camden [main body] Petition of the Inhabitants of Thomaston " of the Inhabitants of Camden for an alteration of the Law relating to the inspection of Lime and Lime Casks were severally referred in concurrence to the committee on Manufactures
[left margin] Pet of Jas McLellan " or H.G. Balch " of Lem Shaw + als [main body] Petition of James McLellan and others fr an alteration of the Law regarding the inspection of fish, " of Horatio G. Balch and others respecting fisheries in Machias East River and " of Lemuel Shaw and others respecting fisheries in Prospect stream were severally referred in concurrence to the committee on Interior Fisheries.