48 Monday January 15th 1828
[left margin] Order directing Com to inquire into the expd of abol ishing imprison ment for debt [main body] Order of the House of Representatives appointing Messrs Ames, Higgens, and Chapman with such as the Senate may join to inquire into the expediency of abolishing imprison ment for debt was read and passed in concurrence and Messrs Cutler and Kavanagh were joined.
[left margin] Order - exped of altering an act respecting highways [main body] "That the committee on the Judiciary be instructed to inqui- re into the expediency of so altering the third section of an act respecting highways passed February 24th 1827, that in all ca ses the Selectmen of towns and the assessors of Plantations shall be notified of the bad state of the highways and the intention at least thirty days previous to the information being made to the S.J. Court on the C.C. Pleas was read and passed in concurrence.
[left margin] Bill in addition to the act establish in the Co of waldo [main body] Bill additional to the Act establishing the County of Waldo was read once and tomorrow at 10 oclock assigned for a second reading and committed to Messrs Hathaway, Shaw and Miller
[left margin] Pet of Waterville College Petition of Trustees of Waterville College for a continuance of their former grant was referred to the committee on Litera- turee +c. Sent down for concurrence. concurred.