Petition of Lincolnville for an alteration of the Law respecting Lime and the inspection thereof was referred in concurrence to the committee of Manufactures. [right margin] pet of Lincolnville
Petition of Pelatiah Leach Jun and others of Penobscot for author ity to open fishways in certain streams in said town was referr ed to the committee on Interior Fisheries. [right margin] pet of P. Leach +als
Remonstrance of Thomas A. Hill and others against petition
of Samuel Veasey and others was referred in concurrence to the
Committee on Turnpikes Bridges and Canals
[right margin]
Rem of T.A Hill + als
Petition of Caleb Jewett and others that their account for services
performed in laying out the Canada Road may be allowed came
up referred to the committee on State Lands, and the Senate non
concurred the house in their reference and referred the petition to the committee on that part of the Governor's speech relating to the
Canada Road, Sent down for concurrence. concurred.
[right margin]
pet. of C. Jewett +als
Mr. Williams from the committee on the Judiciary on
orders respecting the expediency of fixing the fees of Pound Keepers
cone?[?] and of providing by Law for the pay-
ment of highway taxes in money, reported that on each of said propositions, Legislation is inexpedient. Read and acc- epted Sent down for concurrence - concurred [right margin] Rept of Com on pet respect pound keepers fees + providing by Law for payment of highway taxes
On motion by Mr. Balknam the petition of John Crane + others
was taken from the files and referred to the committee on
incorporation of towns. Sent down for concurrence. conc.
[right margin]
Pet of J. Crane +als
On motion by Mr. Parsons the petition of John Dole and
others was taken from the files and referred to the committee
on Turnpikes, Bridges and Canals. Sent down for concur
rence. concurred.
[right margin]
" of J. Dole + als