61 Resolve additional for opening and clearing a road from the south line of township number 2 old indian purchase on the East side of Penobscot River to Matanawcook stream were severally read a second time and passed to be engrossed sent down for concurrence. [right margin] Resolve addil for open ing road from township no 2 to Matanawacook stream passed to be engrossed
Bill to incorporate the Trustees of the Charity fund of Mount Moriah Royal Arch Chapter was read once and tomorrow 10 oclock assigned for a second reading. [right margin] Bill to incorporate the Trus. of Charity fund MtMoriah R. A. chapter
Mr. Parsons from the committee on Interior Fisheries reported leave for a Bill on the petitions of Lemuel Cobb + others and or Pelatiah Leach + others Read and accepted, sent down for concurrence. concurred [right margin] Rept leave for Bill on pets L. Cobb + als + Pelatiah Leach+ als and on petition of William F. Gilmore and others Bill authorizing the owners of the falls and mill privileges on Nequasset falls to erect a dam thereon. Read once + tomorrow 10 oclock assigned for 2nd read. [right margin] on pet of W. F. Gilmore + als Bill authorizing owners of mill privilege on Nequas set falls to erect dam
Petition of Thomas Cutts and others for alteration of the Act incorporating the Proprietors of Kittery Point Bridge " of Samuel Pierson and others Inhabitants of Saco + Biddeford for a grant of land to enable them to keep in repair free bridges were severally referred in concurrence to the com- mittee on Turnpikes, Bridges and Canals. [right margin] Pet T. Cutts +als
" of S. Pierson + others