[main body] Bill additional to An Act to prevent the destruction of fish in Denny's River and Pinmaquan was read a second time and the Senate adopt part of the amendments of the House and passed the Bill to be engrossed as amended, Sent down for concurrence.
[right margin] Bill destrcution of Fish in Dennys River and Pinmaquan
[main body] Mr. Meqquier from the Select Committee of the Senate to whom was referred "Bill concurring Sheriffs fees" and also a "Resolve respecting Sheriffs," reported a new draft embracing the provisions of both entitled "An Act concerning, Sheriffs." and the question "will the Senate now substitute this new draft for the original Bill and resolve," ordered to be taken by yeas and nays was decided in the affirmative as follows
[right margin] Bill concerning Sheriffs
[main body] Yeas Messrs, Dennett, Swcat, Emery, Megguier, Mace, Kavanagh, Richardson, Miller, Shaw, Balkam, Williams, Cutler, Washburn, Grover and Parsons 15 Nays Messrs Herrick, Cushman and Weston 3
[right margin] Yeas & Nays
[main body] The Senate further considered the Bill and passed the same to be engrossed as taken into this new draft, Sent down for concurrence.
[main body] Mr. Dennett from the Committee on incorporation of towns on the petition of Daniel W. Green and others Selectmen of the town of Gray reported Resolve a Committee to settle the line between the towns of Windham and Gray and the same was read and passed to be engrossed. Sent down for concurrence.
[right margin] pet of D. W. Greene & als Resolve - Windham & Gray lines
[main body] Adjourned
[main body] Afternoon,
Resolve in favor of Seth Spring was read a second time and referred to the next Legislature, Sent down for concurrence Concurred
[right margin] Resolve - Seth Spring