� 44 Back to Manassas junction Oct 14th The ball opened in the direction of Manassas gap. We fel back to broad run stream and halted to get diner. We had but just done when we wer ordered to put out the fires, then we started and had not been gon more than five minutes when the ball opened and the rebs shelled the ground where we eat our sinner. We then fell back to Manasas junction and the fireing still continued. We staid thair untill about sunset, and then double-quicked back to where the firing comensed, about four miles. The 3rd division of one 5th Corps and the 2d Corps done the fighting that afternoon. They charged on the rebel batery takeking five guns out of six, and about 300 prisoners. We did not lose but few men. As General Griffin rode along I heard him say, men for god sake was there no way that you could not have taken that other gun.