Bill to incorporate the Proprietors of the Bangor Pier Corporation, was called up & referred to Messrs. Kent of Bangor Williams of Augusta & McCobb of Phipsburg.
Resolve in favor of Limerick Academy, was called up & referred to Messrs. Sanborne of Limerick, Hunt of Avon & Latham of Gray.
Petition of Seward Porter & Henry Babb for the exclusive privilege of navigating Sebago Ponf by steam came from the Senate referred to Messrs. Grover & Usher with such as the House may join & the House concurred & Messrs. Divinal of Lisbon Pike of Sebago & Alden of Brunswick were joined.
The committee to whom was referred the subject of Sheriffs & Clerks reported a detailed state of facts together with a Bill entitled An additional Act respecting Sheriffs, and the report & Bill were ordered to be printed for the use of the members.
Reports on petitions of Jedidiah Varney - of Elisha Sylvester granting leave to withdraw, came down accepted in Senate for concurrence. - and the House concurred.
Petition of Manasseh Lawrence & al, & report thereon taken from the last years files of the Senate, came down referred to the committee on incorporation of towns for concurrence - and the House concurred.
And the House adjourned. Attest James L. Child Clerk