144 River, reported with amendments which were adopted, was read a third time & passed to be engrossed as amended. Sent up for concurrence.
Bill in addition to an act to incorporate the Proprietors of the Falls Sluice Way, was read a third time & passed to be engrossed in concurrence with the Senate.
Bill to prevent the destruction of Alewives in Little River in the town of Perry, came form the Senate, that body refusing to concur with the House in their amendment of the 5t inst. at DD. The House adhere to their vote adopting said amendment
Resolve for the benefit of Waterville College, came down, the Senate having nonconcurred the House in their refusal to pass the Resolve to be engrossed, and amended the same at A by striking out "two thousand" & inserting "fifteen hundred'. The House refused to adopt the proposed amendment and adhere to their vote of 4th instant refusing the Resolve a passage.
Petition of William Nason & als of Elliot for further provisions to regulate Inholders, Retailers &c was read & referred to the committee on the Judiciary. Sent up for concurrence.
The committee on engrossed Bills reported as duly engrossed - Bill to annex a part of Patricktown plantation to the town of Jefferson - to incorporate the President, Directors & Company of the Franklin Bank - which were severally passed to be enacted. Sent up for concurrence.
Bill for the further improvement & preservation of Highways was called up & referred to Messrs. Merrill of Frankfort, Hubbard of Shapleigh & Fiske of Fayette.
Bill additional act regulating Divorces, was read a 1st & 2nd time & tomorrow at 10 o'clock assigned for a 3rd reading & 300 copies ordered to be printed for the use of the Legislature.