to the Honorable, the Legislature of Maine
The undersigned inhabitants of St Albans and County of Somerset respectfully request your honorable body to pass resolutions & transmit the same to the Congress of the United States, requesting that Honorable body to abolish slavery in the District of Columbia & in the several territories of the United States
-Thomas Smith
-Thomas Skinner
- L.W. Hartwell
-Edward Dillingham
-Wm Hinman
-Joseph Roberts
-Hervey Hawes
-James Stewart
-Elijah Leech
-Levi J. Merrill
-Abram Moor
-Israel Vinny[?]
-Edwd H Page
-Warren White
-Chase Wiggins
-Josiah Bowen
-Samuel Hartwell
-Mark Buzzel
-John B. Copp
-Daniel Sampson
-Calvin [?]
-Asa Russell
-Sullivan Lothrop
-Samuel Sanborn
-Daniel Shepherd
-James S Merrill
-Holman Johnson
-Ebenezer Merrill
-Sullivan A Morse[?]
-Nath Merrill
-Joseph Merrill
-Nathan Douglas
-J M Haynes
-C B Smith
-Stephen Perry
-Moses [Foss?]
-Daniel [Foss?]
-Stephen Hartwell
-Samuel Holbrook
-Harris Garcelon
-Elihu Getchell
-Jonathan How
-Noah Morrill
-Thomas [Foss?]
-Josiah Vining
-Saml Beal