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Saturday January 23' 1830.

Met according to adjournment

Petition of James D Hopkins & others to be incorporated as a company for the manufactory of Glass, was read & referred to Messrs Adams of Portland, Scamman of Saco & White of Monmouth

Petitions of Asa Heath - of Simeon Milliken Junr} for leave to change their names - were severally read & referred to the committee on change of names -

Petition of Josiah B Hadley & al of Mt Desert & Eden praying that the companies} of Militia on said towns may be formed into a separate Battalion & be reviewed & inspected on the Island was read & referred to the Committee on the Militia & Military affairs - Sent up for concurrence.

On motion of Mr Adams of Portland Ordered, That the committee on Finances be instructed to consider and report what sum it is necessary to raise the present year for the support of government, by a tax on Polls & Estates - read & passed.

Petition of John Heddean & of Bowen Turner} for leave to change there names were severally read & referred to the committee on change of names.