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this, + be more careful so to apply ourselves, + improve over time, + so to keep our characters unspotted, as to enhance as much as possible our mutual happiness in hearing from each other, + in seeing each other. We will say to ourselves, in the discharge of duty, it shall be done well [underlined], so that our absent friends who love us shall not be pained by hearing that we are justly censured; + for the same reason we will guard against every inclination, + easy temptation, to do wrong. Zadoc, in George's letter, inclosed, I have underscored a part of it which I think excellent [underlined]. You will thank him, as I do, for this, as advice resulting from his experience + observation. George himself, I have no doubt, feels now that his early aims were not sufficiently high + honorable [underlined], - that his habits were not sufficiently [underlined] pure, - that much time + money have been worse than wasted in pursuits of sensual gratification, which have had an undermining effect upon his health [underlined] + reputation [underlined] that can never [underlined] perhaps be fully repaired. It is in your power to begin + to pursue the safe + virtuous + honorable course which the light of his experience points out to you. You will have many temptations + many strug-gles, my son, with the old Serpent [underlined] who is always trying to allure our feet from the right way. Keep at all times on the safe side- + take not one step [underlined], do not a single act [underlined], speak not a word [underlined], of the propriety of which you are doubtful [underlined]. Good morning. Z. Long