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Wednesday January 27th 1830

Met according to adjournment

A communication was received from Hon Reuel Williams of Augusta transmitting an account of his doings under the resolve passed March 5th 1829 authorizing him to commence an action against the Justices of the manners Church for the granite furnished them from the State Prison &c which was read & referred to the committee on Accounts. Sent up for concurrence.

Remonstrance of Edward Barr & als of Orington against the right of Simeon Fowler Junior to a seat in this House from said town, was read & referred to the committee on Elections.

Remonstrance of Thomas Waterman & als against the petition of Henry Campbell & als was read & referred to the committee on the incorporation of Towns. Sent up for concurrence.

On motion of Mr Boutelle of Waterville. The House resumed the consideration of the report of the joint committee appointed to examine the returns of votes given for governor on the second Monday of September last, as amended in the Senate as on sheet annexed marked A - Mr Boutelle moved that the report be accepted as amended by the Senate - The question on the call of Mr Bradbury of Hollis was divided, and the first members there of