Friday February 27th 1829
Met according to adjournment.
Petition of Isaac Ilsley agent for the United States for a cession to the United States of the jurisdiction of Mount Desert Rock, was read & referred to the committee on the Judiciary. Sent up for concurrence.
Resolve making advance out of the State Treasury for printing laid on the table by Mr. Fillebrown of Winthrop, was read once & tomorrow at 10 o'clock assigned for a second reading.
Bill - establishing the fees of Criers of Courts & repealing former laws respecting the same, laid on the table by Mr. Shapleigh of Berwick, was read once & indefinitely postponed.
Resolve in favor of Bowdoin College, came from the Senate in a new draft for concurrence - The House having received the report of conferees on the part of the House, recommending the passage of this Resolve, adopt the new draft of the Senate & pass the same to be engrossed with an amendment. Sent up for concurrence.
On motion of Mr. Bourne of Kennebunk, Ordered that the Governor be requested to communicate to this House, the accounts, of the Secretary of State, for expenditure for the purchase of Stationary [stationery], under the Resolve of Feb 26, 1825, March 6 1826, Feby 23 1827 & Feby 23 1828 - read & passed.
Bill to incorporate the Alfred Academy, came from the Senate with amendments for concurrence - The House so far recede from their former vote, as to agree to the amendments proposed & to pass the Bill to be engrossed in concurrence with the Senate.