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14 Friday January 5th 1827.

Met according to adjournment.

John McKown, returned as a member from Boothbay - appeared, presented his credentials, was qualified & took his seat.

Isaac Whittemore Junr returned as a member from Hebron appeared, presented his credentials, was qualified & took his seat.

Paul Spooner of the class composed of the towns of Cooper, Dennysville &c &c appeared, presented his credentials as a member, was qualified and took his seat.

Agreeably to assignment the two branches assembled in the Representatives Chamber at 11 oclock and proceeded by ballot to the election of a Senator to supply the vacancy in the District of Washington. The whole number of votes given in was One hundred and fifty four - necessary to a choice seventy eight - John Balkam Esq had One hundred and seven, and he was declared duly elected.

The Committee appointed to examine the credentials of the members and report the names of such as appear to be duly returned with the number of the seats they respectively occupy & made their report, which, after several amendments were made thereto, was accepted

An order came from the Senate for concurrence directing the Secretary of State to notify John Balkam Esq that he has been duly elected by a convention of both houses of the Legislatures, a Senator. and request him to take a seat at that board and the House concurred.