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74 The business of the Convention being accomplished, the Senator withdrew.

An order came from the Senate for concurrence, directing the Secretary of State to notify Elishare Atten, David Crowell, Semuel Paine, Otis Little, John Burgen and Daniel Steward Junior Esqrs that they have been duty elected, by joint ballot of the Senators & Representatives, in Convention assembled, Councillors, to advise the Governors in the Executive part of the government for the current political year ; and to request their immediate attendance - and the House concurred

An order came from the Senate for concurrence directing the Secretary of State to notify Elias Thomas Esquire that he has been duly elected Treasurer of State, for the current political year and the House concurred.

Agreeably to assignment, the two Houses of the Legislature assembled in Convention in the Representatives Chamber at twelve oclock, when Jonathan G Hunton, Governor elect came in attended by the Secretary of State, Treasurer of State & Adjutant General and in the presence of both House, and before the President of the Senate who administered the same, look and subscribed the oaths required by the Constitution to qualify him to enter upon the discharge of the duties of his office - The Secretary of State then made proclamation accordingly - The governor & those who attended him withdraw -

The business of the Convention being accomplsihed the Senators also withdraw-

Petitions of John Webber & als of Shapleigh to be incorporated as a town - of Amasa Lessley & als of Sidney to be annexed to Waterville were severally read & referred to the committee on the incorporation of Towns. Sent up for concurrence.