The committee of conference on the part of the House on the Resolve relating to Clerk hire in the offices of the Treasurer and Secretary of State, reported that the Conferees on the part of both Houses had agreed to sundry amendments and recommended their adoption. - The House refused to adopt said amendments.
Resolve relating to the allowance of the Massachusetts claims now pending before the Congress of the United States, came from the Senate with sundry amendments for concurrence and the House refused to concur, & adhered to their former vote passing the Resolve to be engrossed as by them amended.
Mr Howe of Turner has leave of absence after today.
Resolve making an appropriation for the State Printing laid on the table by Mr George of New Port, was read 1st and 2d time & passed to be engrossed. Sent up for concurrence.
Adjourned until seven oclock this evening.
Evening. Met according to adjournment.
The committee on engrossed bills reported as duly engrossed, Bill - additional to an act to establish a Registry of Deeds for the Western District of Lincoln County which was passed to be enacted. Sent up for concurrence.
The same committee reported as engrossed, Resolve in favor of Lemuel Witham, which was finally passed. Sent up for concurrence.
Bill - an act additional to an act respecting judicial process and proceedings, came from the Senate amended agreeably to the report of the Committee of Conference for concurrence and the House so far reconsidered their former votes